Saturday, June 26, 2010

Anniversary weekend

Hello again. I know I just started this blog last night, but we have a fun weekend planned! It's mine and Jason's 3rd anniversary on Sunday! We talked about going away somewhere, but decided to save some mula and just go out for an evening. He normally has Mondays off, so that is when our date is. I planned this one, and it's a surprise for him, but it will be fun (I hope).

But, we are going to make a whole weekend of it with the kids. Today, we are going to go to the Taylorsville Dayzz (our local city fair) and they have a comedian tonight, Jason Hewlett. We LOVE him. We've seen him twice before and just laughed and laughed. Matt especially likes him. That's tonight, and it's free! Yippee! And then they are doing fireworks. We will see if we stick around for that, or we may come home and put Lily to bed and enjoy them from our front yard (the park is 1 block over, lucky us).

We also learned about this place called Pirate Island in Orem. It's a family restaurant, but it sounds way cool. Something to entertain both a 12 year old and a 1 year old (not many places out there can do that!). Their website is You should check it out. We are going to try that out for lunch.

I'm going to get some pics downloaded hopefully later today. My mom, Nannie, has learned how to make very cute tutu's for Lily and I learned how to make curly bow's for her hair. I have her dressed up this morning in a tutu, tshirt, curly bow and those new Huggies Movers diapers that look like jeans (I had a big coupon for those). She is so freakin' adorable!

Well, I better put this up and go be a good mom and get my kids some breakfast. I also have to shower if we want to get all the stuff done we have planned! Thanks for reading! Kirsten


  1. Sounds like a blast! Let us know what you think of the pirate place....we've not yet found a place that Parker handles:-)

  2. Happy Anniversary! Hope he enjoys the surprise and you guys have a great date, and have fun with the kids at the pirate place!

  3. Yeah, you have a blog now!
    I love reading about your adventures, and that pirate place sounds awesome!
